The Hamakua district sits on the northeast coast of the island and stretches @50 miles from Waipi’o (known as Valley of the Kings and which has been maintained, farmed and revered for 100’s of years by Hawaiians) to just north of Hilo (the county seat). The Hamakua Coast is well-known for its fertile soil – today home of farming of mac nut trees, papaya, mango, coffee, cacao, cattle and timber. In the 1800’s-late 1900’s, it was the heart of the sugarcane industry and remains rich in multi-ethnic cultures with many workers immigrated from Japan, China, the Philippines and Portugal to work the plantations. The communities of Kukuihaele, Pahau, Paauilo and Ookala originated as plantation housing camps along with Laupahoehoe and Honokaa, which remain the largest towns on the Hamakua Coast. They have reimagined their historical storefronts into restaurants, boutiques and galleries. This coast is lush with stunning waterfalls, untouched valleys, old ranch lands and vast views of the Pacific Ocean.